Who can use this service?

Anyone in West Essex (Uttlesford, Epping Forest and Harlow) over 18, who needs emotional support, including people with complex emotional needs, struggling with loneliness, depression and anxiety.

This is not a crisis support service. Please contact 111 Mental Health Crisis option

How do I access the service?

Register with us on this simple form or scan the QR code –>

Once you have registered one of our Night Owls team will call you within 24 hours to find out how we can support you, and give you the Night Owls phone number.  You are then free to call the Night Owls for support between 5pm and 11pm during times of distress. 

Once you are registered with Night Owls  you can also call us and ask about visiting  our Sanctuary spaces between 5 and 11pm .

We are open in Harlow 7 days a week and in Uttlesford and Epping Forest 2 or 3 nights a week.

Who will answer the calls?

Our Sanctuary team are all kind, caring people  who will answer the calls, and listen and support you non-judgementally. If you need more urgent care they can ensure you get the right help from the Crisis team.